Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 Jul. 10, 1797. 994. James Stephens 100 ac; warrant #1000 issued Jan. 28, 1797 by John Crump to James Stephens for 100 ac on N side of Denson’s Cr & on a bigg branch; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 100 ac surveyed May 17, 1794 by Thomas Cotton; on NE side of Peedee R & N side of Denson’s Cr; border: begins at James Stephens’ beginning corner poine of his old survey and joins Joseph Holtom; Robert Stephens & William Stephens, chain carriers; grant #1017 issued Jul. 10, 1897. 995. Elizabeth Simmons 100 ac; warrant #1076 issued Jun. 10, 1794 by John Crump to “Elizebeth” Simmons for 100 ac on Humbles Road at head of N prong of White Oak Br & Wolf Cr; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 100 ac surveyed Jan. 19, 1795 by Thomas Cotton; border: begins at a pine on a ridge between head of White Oak Br & Wolf Cr; Benjamin Simmons & James Simmons, chain carriers; grant #1018 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 996. John Brooks 100 ac; warrant #1465 issued Oct. 31, 1794 by John Crump to John Brooks for 100 ac joins William Brooks; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 100 ac surveyed Mar. 29, 1796 by H Mashall [Marshall]; border: begins at a hickory in William Brooks’ line on W side of Island Cr, crosses the creek, & joins mouth of Camp Br; William Brooks & Cader Whitley, chain carriers; grant #1019 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 997. GEORGE SUGG 100 ac; warrant #153 issued Apr. 23, 1794 by John Crump to GEORGE SUGGS for 100 ac on Little R., joins GEORGE SUGG Sr., Isaac Sanders, & an improvement; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 100 ac surveyed Oct. 17, 1794 by Thomas Cotton; on Little R; border: begins at a pine near top of Abner’s Mountain & joins GEORGE SUGG Sr.; ISAAC SUGG [Suggs] & GEORGE SUGG, chain carriers; grant #1020 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 998. THOMAS SUGG 400 ac; warrant #928 issued Sept. 5, 1793 by John Crump to THOMAS SUGGS for 400 ac on waters of Bumpers Fork of Little R & includes land on both sides of Rocky Cr; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 400 ac surveyed Sept. 1, 1795 by Thomas Cotton; on both sides of Rockey Cr waters of Little R; border: begins at Shubal Bolin’s beginning corner, joins William Bolin & John Nicolus; William Bolin & Willoughby Bolin, chain carriers; grant #1021 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 1000. Clemuel Carter 100 ac; warrant #1066 issued May 8, 1794 by John Crump to Clemuel Carter for 100 ac joins Isaac Calloway & Jacob Carter on waters of Mountain Cr; 100 ac surveyed Sept. 19, 1794 by J Atkins; on SW side of Yadkin R & on waters of Mountain Cr; border: begins at a pine in Isaac Calloway’s line and joins Jacob Carter; Jacob Carter & George Stiles, chain carriers; grant #1023 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 1001. Joshua Hadley 150 ac; grant #1024 issued Jul. 10, 1797; [empty shuck; grant book 94 p. 64 on W side of Peedee R & on waters of Ugly Cr & begins at a white oak]. 1002. Jacob Lipe 150 ac; warrant #975 issued Nov. 24, 1793 by John Crump to Jacob Lipe for 150 ac begins on Jonathan Carpenter’s corner at “Read Budd” Bottom, includes Richard Poplin’s improvement on S side of Long Cr, & on Ceder Fort of Scaly Bark Br; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 150 ac surveyed in Jan. 17, 1795 by J Atkins; on SW side of Pee Dee R, on S side of Long Page 1 of 7 ** PAGE BREAK ** Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 Cr, & on Cedar Fork of Scaly Bark Br; begins at Jonathan Carpenter’s corner pine at Red Bud Bottom; John Sides & David Cloen [or Clien], chain carriers; grant #1025 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 1003. John Haywood & William Cupples 640 ac; warrant #1517 issued Nov. 18, 1794 by John Crump to John Haywood “jr” & William Cupples for 640 ac joins their former entrys & Robert Cox on N side of Ridges Cr, [on back] 110 Page 2 of 7 ** PAGE BREAK ** Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 1046. Hosea Rowland 100 ac; warrant #1458 issued Oct. 20, 1794 by John Crump to “Hose" Rowland for 100 ac on both sides of “Turky” Cr, begins on “Buzard” Br, & runs down said branch; [on back] returned & paid for (signed)] Craven, comptr; 100 ac surveyed Jan. 1, 1795 by J Atkins on SW side of Pee Dee R & on Turky Cr; border: begins at a hickory on Buzzard Br; Charles Robbins & Thomas Mainord, chain carriers; grant #1070 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 1047. Isham Harris 100 ac; warrant #1462 issued Oct. 25, 1794 by John Crump to Isham Harris for 100 ac on [both sides – lined out] Little Bear Cr, includes Bartley’s cabin, & near or joining Roper’s line; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 100 ac surveyed Mar. 7, 1793 by Isham Harris; on SW side of Yadkin R & on waters of Bear Cr; border: begins at a pine; Thomas Rowland & Christopher Lirely, chain carriers; grant #1071 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 1048. Barnaba Dunn 60 ac; warrant #1497 issued Nov. 11, 1794 by John Crump to Barnaba Dunn for 60 ac on waters of Runnols Fork of Beaverdam [Cr], joins his own line, John Taylor, & William Loftin; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 60 ac surveyed Mar. 10, 1795 by J Atkins; on NE side of Yadkin R & on waters of “Runnolds” Fork of Beaverdam Cr; border: begins at John Taylor’s corner stake, joins said Dunn, & William Loftin; James Higgins & William Taylor, chain carriers; grant #1072 issued Jul. 10, 1797. 1049. John Yarbrough 100 ac; warrant #2074 issued Jan. 6, 1796 by John Crump to John Yarbrough for 100 ac on Indian Br of Cheeks Cr, includes his improvement, & joins John Elkins; [on back] (Secretary’s office) Sept. 25, 179 John Yarbrough swears purchase money was paid (signed) J Malone, D Sec; 100 ac surveyed Oct. 25, 1796 by The Cotton; border: begins at a sweet gum on N side of Indian Br, joins N side of Bold Hill, & includes John Yarbrough’s improvement; George Bledso & John Yarbrough, chain carriers; grant #1073 issued Nov. 3, 1797. 1050. Edmond Carns, GEORGE SUGG, & Joseph Carns 10 ac; warrant #1186 issued Sept. 8, 1794 by John Crump to Edmond Carns, Joseph Carns, & GEORGE SUGGS for 10 ac on both sides of Hury R & begins at Jacob Redwine’s line [on back] returned & paid for (signed) W Hill; 10 ac surveyed Sept. 15, 1796 by Thomas Cotton; on waters of Uhary R; border: begins at an ash stump in Jacob Redwine’s line on the river bank, crosses the river, & joins Robert Johnston Steel; Jacob Redwine & Edmund Carns, chain carriers; grant #1107 (sic) issued Jan. 8, 1798 (sic). 1051. Bartlet McGreger 50 ac; warrant #1085 issued Jul. 1, 1794 by John Crump to Bartlet McGreger for 50 ac joins Earl’s line & Duckery on waters of Yadkin [R]; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 50 ac surveyed Nov. 21, 1795 by John Atkins; on SW side of Yadkin R & on waters of said river; border: begins at a white oak in “Ducory’s” line & joins Earl; William Boyd & William “McGriger” [McGreger], chain carriers; grant #1108 issued Dec. 18, 1797. 1052. Stephen Hearn 50 ac; warrant #1047 issued Apr. 12, 1794 by John Crump to Stephen Hearn for 50 ac begin: on my own line & runs to Joseph Hurley’s line on Barns Cr; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 50 ac surveyed Apr. 14, 1796 by J Christian; on NB side of Yadkin R & on both sides of Barnes Cr; border begins at said Hearn’s first corner white oak of 200 ac tract, crosses the creek, joins said Hearn’s line of 100 ac tract & Joseph Hurley; Joshua Hurley & William Hearn, chain carriers; grant #1109 issued Dec. 18, 1797. Page 3 of 7 ** PAGE BREAK ** Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 1053. William Hearn 300 ac; warrant #1002 issued Feb. 1, 1794 by John Crump to William Hearn for 300 ac on waters of Bishops Cr, joins Col. West Harris, & includes Haltom’s “old Road”; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 300 ac surveyed Dec. 29, 1794 by J Christian; on NE side of Yadkin R, on waters of Bishops Cr, & on both sides of “Holtom’s” old Road; border: begins at Col. West Harris’ corner pine, joins “the main” road, & Arthur Harris esq; Purnal Hearn & Thomas Hearn, chain carriers; grant #1110 issued Dec. 18, 1797. 1054. Stephen Hearn 200 ac; warrant #1071 issued May 24, 1794 by John Crump to Stephen Hearn for 200 ac begin at “a certain” black oak, runs S, includes Rocky Creek, Steed’s Road, & Rocky Pond; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven, comptr; 200 ac surveyed Dec. 29, 1794 by J Christian; on NB side of Pee Dee R, on both sides Rocky Cr & Steed’s Road, & includes Rocky Pond; border: begins at a black oak; William Hearn & Thomas Hearn 116 Page 4 of 7 ** PAGE BREAK ** Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 1656. Henry Humble 50 ac; warrant #5648 issued Aug. 12, 1801 by Joseph Parsons to Henry Humble for 50 ac on W side of Little R, on waters of Bumpers Fork & joins his own line; 50 ac surveyed Jan, 22. 1803 by Thomas Cotton; border: begins at Henry Humble’s corner red oak below the lick on Hews’ Br; James Simmons & Thomas Simmons, chain carriers; Nov. 30, 1802 Henry Humble paid purchase money for 50 ac in entry #5892 (signed) J Craven, comptr; #459 Nov. 18, 1802 Henry Humble paid £0.25 for 50 ac in entry #5648 (signed) M Hamlin (?), for John Haywood P Treas; [on back] Nov. 30, 1802 duplicate filed in comptroller‘s office (signed) J Craven, comptr; grant #1985 issued May 12, 1804. 1657. Robert Stevens 100 ac; warrant #5643 issued Aug. 6, 1801 by Joseph Parsons to Robert “Stephens“ for 100 ac on N side of Rocky Cr & on Smiths Br; 100 ac surveyed Jan. 19, 1803 by Thomas Cotton; on E side of “Rockey” Cr; border: begins at a post oak in head of a hollow about 0.25 miles above mouth of Hurricane Br; WILLIAM MOORE & Ephraim Coker, chain carriers; #640 Nov. 14, 1801 Robert Stephens paid £0.50 for 100 ac in entry #5643 (signed) J Lockhart, for John Haywood P Treas; [on back] Nov. 18, 1808 duplicate filed in comptroller‘s office (signed) J Craven, comptr; Nov. 18, 1801 Robert Stephens paid purchase money for 100 ac in entry #5648 (signed) J Craven, comptr; grant #1986 issued May 12, 1804. 1658. William Archer 50 ac; warrant #2224 issued Oct. 9. 1796 by John Crump to William “Arhur“ for 50 ac on Barnes Cr, begins on Jonathan Edwards’ NE corner tree, runs to “the“ county line. & crosses Bear Cr; [on back] returned & paid for (signed) J Craven; 50 ac surveyed Oct. 7, 1798 by Thomas Cotton: on Barns‘ Cr; border: begins at a post oak in or near Harrison Callicote‘s line and joins Randolph County line; William Lucas & Pleasant Callicote, chain carriers; grant #1987 issued May 28, 1804. 1659. John Givin assignee 148 ac; warrant #4000 issued Jul. 26. 1797 by John Crump to JOHN SUGGS for 200 ac on Bumpers Fork of Little R, joins GEORGE SUGGS, JOHNSON RANDLE, & includes my improvement; [on back] warrant sold Nov. 24, 1798 to John “Givins” (signed) JOHN “SUGG“ (witness) Thomas Cotton & returned & paid for (signed) J Craven; 148 ac surveyed Nov. 24, 1798 by Thomas Cotton; on Bumposses Fork of Little R; border: begins at GEORGE SUGG’s corner black jack, near JOHNSTON RANDLE, & near Lucas‘ “Payth”; JOHN SUGG & JOHNSTON RANDLE, chain carriers; grant #1988 issued May 28, 1804. 1660. Wiley Smith 5 ac; warrant #5858 issued Apr. 24, 1802 by Joseph Parsons to “Willey" Smith for 5 ac on waters of Cheeks Cr, joins his own land, John Harris, & Edward Harris; 5 ac surveyed Mar. 12, 1803 by Thomas Cotton; on waters of Cheeks Cr; border: begins at Edward Howard’s corner red oak; James Chappell & Wiley Smith, chain carriers; Sept. 10, 1804 “Willie” Smith paid purchase money for 5 ac in entry #5858 (signed) J Craven, comptr; grant #1989 issued Sept. 10, 1804. 1661. Wiley Smith 100 ac; warrant #5610 issued Jun. 1, 1801 by John Neal to Wiley Smith for 100 ac joins John Gawars, Norman McCloud, & on Big Cr; 100 ac surveyed Apr. 13, 1803 by Thomas Conon; on waters of Big Cr; border: begins at a persimmon and joins Norman “McLeod“; John McLeod & Wiley Smith, chain carriers; Nov. 30, 1802 Wiley Smith paid purchase money for 100 ac in entry #5610 (signed) J Craven. comptr; grant #1990 issued Sept. 10, 1804. 1662. Elias Spencer 50 ac; warrant #5659 issued Aug. 21, 1801 by Joseph Parsons to Elias Spencer for 50 ac on Denson’s Fork of Little R and joins his own line on upper side; 50 ac surveyed Jan. 17. 1803 by Thomas Cotton; border: begins at Henry Page 5 of 7 ** PAGE BREAK ** Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 Humble’s corner post oak on W side of Denson’s Fork of Little R, joins Sias Chambers, & Elias Spencer; Lewis Green & Sias Chambers, chain carriers; Nov. 30, 1802 Elias Spencer paid purchase money for 50 ac in entry #5659 (signed) J Craven, comptr; grant #1991 issued Nov. 14, 1804. 1663. John McLeod 50 ac; warrant #5386 issued Apr. 6, 1803 by Joseph Parsons to John McLeod for 50 ac on waters of Haymor’s Cr, joins Samuel Clark, Harris, Peacock, & his own line; 50 ac surveyed Oct. 22, 1803 by Thomas Cotton; on waters of Haymors Cr; border: begins at Samuel Clark‘s beginning corner pine; joins William Peacock, John McLeod, & Francis Harris; Samuel Clark & John McCollum, chain carriers; Nov. 9, 1802 John “McCloud“ paid 192 Page 6 of 7 ** PAGE BREAK ** Land Warrants, NC, Montgomery 1778 - 1833 ###### # # ##### ####### # # ##### ####### # # # # ## ## # # # ## # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # #### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## ### # # # # # # ###### # # ##### ####### # # ### ##### ####### # # Transcribed from original documents by Brent R. Brian & Martha M. Brian. 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